What We Do

Our Services

Business Consultancy

  • Feasibility Studies & Project Fund Arrangement
  • Buying House Consultancy


  • Finance & Accounting


  • Web and Software Development
  • Digital Marketing

Training and Development

Business Incubation Program

Call Center

Where We Deliver Quality

While you focus on core business processes, we help fulfill your supplementary needs, driving growth and helping you capitalize on untapped markets.

Business Consultancy

Finance and accounting services can be complex and must strictly follow federal, state, or local laws. Proper consultation and accurate solutions can enhance business performance and address other business needs. Unfortunately, there is a workforce shortage in this area. We recognize this gap and offer suitable alternatives. Our services include:

  • Feasibility study
  • Cost analysis
  • Business model development
  • Trade finance solutions
  • For more information, please visit this page

    BPO (Business Process Outsourcing)

    Business Process Outsourcing provides front and back office services, requiring effective communication and a broad range of expertise—from administrative work to support activities. These tasks can be daunting without a skilled workforce. CLAREx understands this and offers services that boost your efficiency, including:

  • Data entry
  • Record maintenance
  • HR management
  • Virtual assistance
  • Order processing
  • Medical billing
  • Drop-shipping

    A sister concern of CLAREx, LEVERnGEAR leads the medical billing and compliance obligations sector in Bangladesh, offering uncompromised value in today's challenging healthcare landscape. We facilitate a smooth customer journey by bridging gaps between physicians, patients, and relevant stakeholders through quality back-office management.

    • What do we do?

      We are a HIPAA-compliant medical billing outsourcing partner, specializing in providing accurate insurance verification, demographic data entry, medical billing, and revenue cycle management.

    • How does LEVERnGEAR provide value?

      With our assistance, we expedite approvals and verifications, enhancing value-based care and positively impacting all bottom-line medical practices.

    ITES (IT-Enabled Services)

    Outsourcing IT-enabled services that cover diverse areas like automation, digital infrastructure, and software can be complex. Without data-powered solutions and IT expertise, a misstep in infrastructure can cause significant delays. Recognizing this complexity, we developed work processes tailored to these specific needs. Our services include:

    • IT Infrastructure
    • Hosting Services
    • Network Security
    • Data Management
    • Audit Services
    • Managed Network Operations and Services
    • Software Development
    • Mobile Application Development
    • Training and Development

    Training and Development


    Lectures are a verbal method of presenting information, particularly given on topics such as business development or self-development. We cater to both in-house training and sending our trainers to various seminars externally. Our training system specializes in finance and accounting, HR & administration, self-development, and lifestyle improvements.


    Training for newcomers may be conducted through employee handbooks or lectures. New employees receive information about the company’s history, strategic position, key authority figures, department structure and its contribution to the company's mission, and the company’s employment policies, rules, and regulations.

    Case Study

    A case study provides a detailed examination of a simulated or real-life scenario, encouraging trainees to independently analyze problems and develop solutions. This method helps trainees think independently, rather than merely absorbing abstract knowledge and theories, which can be challenging to apply in practical situations.

    Role Playing

    In role-playing exercises, trainees assume a role distinct from their own and act out scenarios within a group. A facilitator designs these scenarios, guiding participants through the process to enhance learning outcomes such as communication and problem-solving skills.

    Games and Simulations

    Games and simulations are structured competitions and operational models that mimic real-life situations. The advantages of these methods include enhanced problem-solving and decision-making skills, a deeper understanding of the organizational context, the ability to address actual challenges, and the capability to engage and captivate participants.

    Computer-Based Training (CBT)

    Computer-based training involves using computers and computer-based resources as the primary instructional mediums. These programs are crafted to organize and present instructional content effectively, facilitating an interactive and engaging learning process for the trainee.

    Audiovisual Training

    Audiovisual training methods, such as television, films, and videotapes, offer exposure to realistic scenarios in a time-and-cost-effective manner. These methods are employed alongside other interactive techniques like case studies, role-playing, and simulations to provide a rich learning experience.

    Team-Building Exercises

    Team building involves the active development and maintenance of effective work groups with aligned goals and objectives. It is a structured process, often facilitated by a third-party consultant, aimed at forming work teams and defining their goals, thereby fostering a cooperative and productive work environment.

    Business Incubation Program

    Our incubation program supports startups during their critical early stages by offering rigorous mentoring, personalized training, and, at times, funding. We actively seek out ideas and innovations that resonate with market needs and have the potential to create significant impact. So far, we have assisted numerous businesses in advancing towards their objectives, achieving new heights, and fulfilling their ambitions.

    Program Offerings:

    • Help Startups Bootstrap:

      Providing essential support to get startups off the ground.

    • One-to-One Training:

      Providing essential support to get startups off the ground.

    • Funding:

      Financial support to help cover initial operational costs.

    • Looking for Ideas & Innovation:

      Encouraging submissions of innovative concepts that can transform industries.

    Call Center Services:

    • CRM and Call Center Operations:

      Both inbound and outbound services.

    • Back Office Functions:

      Supporting your business with essential back office tasks such as:

      • Data entry
      • Finance and accounting
      • Accounting process development
      • Daily accounting operations

    Financial and Strategic Services:

    • Financial Analysis and Reporting:

      Including cost analysis, budgeting, and risk-return assessments.

    • Feasibility Studies & Project Fund Arrangement:

      Comprehensive feasibility analysis and assistance in securing project funding.

    • Portfolio and Business Valuation:

      Expert evaluation for investment decisions and business strategy development.

    Specialized Consultancy Services:

    • Project Management:

      Streamlining project operations for efficiency and effectiveness.

    • Buying House Consultancy:

      Specialized advice for purchasing strategies.

    • Apparel Management:

      Industry-specific consultancy in apparel management and factory sorting.

    Medical Billing & Credentialing Services

    Our comprehensive services streamline the medical billing process and ensure proper credentialing, maximizing efficiency and compliance:

    • Charge Entry:

      Accurate logging of medical charges.

    • Claim Submission:

      Efficient submission of medical claims to insurance.

    • Payments Posting:

      Posting and reconciliation of payments.

    • Appeal Submission:

      Handling appeals for denied claims.

    • Correspondence:

      Managing communications with patients and payers.

    • Import Documentation:

      Organizing and processing import documentation.

    • Insurance & Self-pay Follow-up:

      Persistent follow-ups on pending insurance claims and self-pay accounts.

    • Online Review Collection & Analysis:

      Gathering and analyzing patient feedback for service improvement.

    • Staff Bonus/Bill Creation:

      Calculating and issuing staff bonuses and billing.

    • Credentialing Services:

      Ensuring all personnel and facilities are appropriately credentialed:

      • Doctors & Staff Credentialing:

        Credentialing services for medical staff.

      • Facility Credentialing:

        Credentialing for healthcare facilities.

      • Demographic Data Input:

        Entry and management of demographic data essential for patient and provider records.

    Payroll Management Services

    Our payroll services are designed to ensure accuracy, compliance, and satisfaction for both employees and management:

    Compliance & Reporting Services

    Keeping your operations in line with regulations and providing insightful reports:


    See Our Valuable Clients